

Poster Presenatation Award for Material Design_Kyoto

研究室ホームページ構築&運用サービス 年額39,8000円+税 お試し無料

At the 36th fall meetings of the Ceramic Society of Japan, I received the Poster Presentation Award for Material Design. (2023.9.6-8)

Title: Radiation-induced scintillation properties of (K,Rb)2CuBr3 single crystal

Author: Keishi Yamabayashi, Kai Okazaki, Daisuke Nakauchi, Takumi Kato, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida

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研究室ホームページ構築&運用サービス 年額39,8000円+税 お試し無料